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Happy Thursday!

Happy Wedne…Ooops, I mean Thursday!

Grove City, OH

So typically I blog on Wednesdays, and since I forgot to do so yesterday (Oops!), a Thursday blog it is!

Today I have very exciting news to share. Two weeks ago I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to a 5D Mark III. Ah! I was so nervous that I wasn’t going to like it or think it wasn’t worth the money. The camera arrived last week and on Monday I finally got to take it out and see what it could do. Oh my gosh you guys. I am in LOVE! I was so happy with my purchase and so excited that I now get to use it. I will say it certainly helped having my sister model for me so I could test it. You guys, this girl can work the camera. We had such a fun time exploring the new Scioto Grove Metro Park in Grove City.

Here are some of the images from our night. Can’t wait to capture more.

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One Comment

  • Love these shots. I love how natural and dreamy they look… and the lighting! All the heart eyes over here 😉 Beautiful work!

    Enjoy your new camera!


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meet the photographer natalie

I am a wedding and portrait photographer located in Columbus, Ohio. Not only am I a photographer but a wife to my high school sweetheart, Jesse. I am also a mom to our baby girl named Aila Quinn. I love capturing those special moments and helping couples remember all of the joy and love they experienced in their lives.

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