


Fortman | Newborn Session

Fortman | Newborn Session Columbus, OH Happy Wednesday everyone! Are you ready for some squishy baby cheeks and a dog who is proud to be a big brother? If not, prepare yourself, it’s about to get

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Natalie Baker Photography | 2016

Natalie Baker Photography | 2016 You see that collage up at the top? Yep, those are all of the wonderful people I got to work with in 2016. I photographed over 70 different families and couples.

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Shaunessey | Senior Session

Shaunessey | Senior Session Columbus, OH Happy Wednesday everyone! This week I am so excited to feature this beautiful girl on my blog. Meet Shaunessey, one of my 2017 seniors. I was so excited

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Happy Thursday!

Happy Wedne…Ooops, I mean Thursday! Grove City, OH So typically I blog on Wednesdays, and since I forgot to do so yesterday (Oops!), a Thursday blog it is! Today I have very exciting news

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New York, New York

New York, New York 08.10.16 One of my favorite things to do is travel. It doesn’t matter if it’s to another country or another state. It’s so fun seeing what all is out there and

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Logan and Tonya | Engaged

Logan and Tonya | Engaged Columbus, OH Get ready for your heart to burst! Meet Logan and Tonya. These two got engaged in April and will be getting married in November. Hurray!!! I had

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